Diffie Hellman Calculator



[Back] Diffie-Hellman is a standard method of Alice and Bob being able to communicate, and end up with the same secret encryption key. It is used in many applications, and uses two numbers (G and N) for the first part of the calculation (of which N must be a prime number):

The Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm was first published in 1976 by Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman, although the algorithm had been invented a few years earlier by the British government intelligence agency GCHQ but was kept classified. Diffie Hellman Calculator - fasrlosangeles. Back Diffie-Hellman is a standard method of Alice and Bob being able to communicate, and end up with the same secret encryption key. It is used in many applications, and uses two numbers (G and N) for the first part of the calculation (of which N must be a prime number). Dirty Diffie-Hellman (Like dirty Santa, but geekier) Crappy PHP script for a simple Diffie-Hellman key exchange calculator. I guess I could have used Javascript instead of PHP, but I.

[Related Lecture] [Tutorial] [Software Tutorial][Software Lecture] [Theory][Blog] [Picking G value] Diffie hellman calculate secret key

Next Bob and Alice will generate two random numbers (X and Y), calculate an X value and a Y value, respectively:

Diffie-hellman Calculator

Bob's X ValueAlice's Y value
Bob's random value Alice's random value
Bob's A valueAlice's B value
A=G^x mod N B=G^y mod N

Diffie Hellman Key Exchange Calculator

and Bob will send his A value to Alice, and Alice will send her B value to Bob, and they now re-calculate the values to generate the same shared key:

Diffie-hellman Calculator


Diffie-hellman Key Agreement Calculator


Diffie Hellman Calculate

Bob's Key Alice's Key
Key=B^x mod NKey=A^y mod N