This is our re-creation of the NRA B8 Target. It’s an official competition target for 25 yard sustained pistol fire shooting. It features 100% perfect dimensions, true to the original (do not “fit to page” when printing!). The normal version of this target is much larger, with the outer ring spanning a huge 20 inches in diameter. This version has the outer circles (the 7, 6 and 5 scoring zones) removed, in order to have the remaining target fit to perfect dimensions. I put up a regular version with black center, as well as a modified red center version for increased visibility. It’s especially useful when you’re having trouble distinguishing between the target, and a darker gun sight. It seems like it helps with my bad eyesight for sure!
- 5 Meter Air Rifle Target Pdf Printables Free
- 5 Meter Air Rifle Target Pdf Printables Download
- 5 Meter Air Rifle Target Pdf Printables Pdf
Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Daisy Official NRA 10-meter Air Rifle Targets 50ct at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! Check out best air rifles targets and airgun targets. Here you can find paper targets, metal knockdown, cans and much more. Experience realistic shooting!
This NRA B8 target is a great way to practice for an upcoming official competition. They’re also an awesome way to challenge your friends, or improve your skills when shooting on your own. These are the reasons we’ve worked so hard to bring you these free printable NRA targets! And don’t forget to check out our dozens of other free printable targets as well as the many other resources our site has to offer. For example, our convenient and easy to use muzzle energy calculator! Thanks for checking out our NRA B-8 target, and for using Targets4Free! Remember, we’re your premier source for free printable targets online. Be safe, have fun, and enjoy!
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Click the version of the target you’d like to print below.

Printing Tips
All targets on this site are designed to print on standard 8-1/2 inch x 11 inch size paper and some are available in A4 size. All targets are available in PDF format. Some targets are available in two different file formats which are GIF graphic files and PDF files. The printing procedures for each of the two file formats is different. The detailed instructions below are based on using Microsoft Internet Explorer browser. Other browsers will print your targets but the procedures may be different. If you need help, you can Contact Us and we will help you if we can.

5 Meter Air Rifle Target Pdf Printables Free
There are six categories of targets from which to choose. After selecting a category and proceeding to that page, you will see a small view of all of the available targets in that category. Below each target image will be two buttons. One is labeled 'GIF File' and the other is labeled 'PDF File'. Use these buttons to select the file format that you prefer. Either one will open the file in a new window or tab, ready for printing. After printing, close the window or tab to return.
Either file can also be saved to your computer for future printing or other use.

GIF File: After clicking or tapping the button labeled 'GIF File' the target will open to a printable page. To print, select 'File' then 'Print Preview' on the menu at the top of the page or you can right click, or tap and hold, for a menu. In 'Print Preview' you can select the page orientation, for example Portrait or Landscape, and you can toggle the headers and footers off and on. If you do not see these adjustments in 'Print Preview', you may need to select 'Page Setup' from the file menu for these adjustments. It depends on which version of Internet Explorer you are using.
5 Meter Air Rifle Target Pdf Printables Download
If your target is not centered correctly on the page in 'Print Preview', you may need to check the page margins which can be found in 'Page Setup'. For best results, set all page margins to 3/4 inches or .75. You can also adjust these margins to move the image around on the page.
You can also save the GIF image to your computer by either RIGHT clicking your mouse, or tap and hold, on the button labeled 'GIF File' and selecting 'save target as' from the popup menu or by RIGHT clicking your mouse, or tap and hold, on the actual image after opening the printable page and clicking 'save picture as' from the popup menu. After saving the file to your computer, you can use any graphics based program to open and print it or you can use Microsoft Word or Open Office Writer to open it or import it as a background allowing you to add text to the file.
5 Meter Air Rifle Target Pdf Printables Pdf
PDF File: After clicking or tapping the button labeled 'PDF File' the target will open to a printable page. There will be a printer icon in the top left corner. Simply click or tap this icon to print your target. A box will open allowing you to make any necessary adjustments before printing. To save the PDF target file, there will be an icon next to the printer icon which will let you save the file to your computer or you can right click, or tap and hold, on the 'PDF File' button for a menu.