Little Snitch


Codice: Seleziona tutto Timestamp (2): Sat Apr 04 20: DetectX Swift v1.093 macOS: Version 10.15.4 (Build 19E266) File System: apfs Temp: The thermal state is within normal limits. Assetcachelocatorservice.xpc Little Snitch Song nsurlsessiond UserEventAgent Also, I noticed descriptions on some locked LS rules which I would prefer to be denied, if I deny them, do they affect other OSX services?

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Patrick Wardle highlighted a tweet by Maxwell ('Some Apple apps bypass some network extensions and VPN Apps. Maps for example can directly access the internet bypassing any NEFilterDataProvider or NEAppProxyProviders you have running'), sparking an extensive HN discussion on Apple's ham-fisted tactics (not unlike Google's recent behavior).

A search for 'NEFilterDataProvider' turned up David Dudok de Wit's post fingering the ContentFilterExclusionList key in /System/Library/Frameworks/NetworkExtension.framework/Versions/A/Resources/Info.plist as the culprit. The default list includes 56 Apple apps and daemons like App Store, MusicLibrary, softwareupdated, etc.: